what is the red shoe society

The Red Shoes Society is a secret club that strives to fulfil the wishes of its members, and it doesn't take much to apply. All you need is a fresh pair of red shoes and a sense of adventure!All over the world, there are people who want something more than what life is offering them, whether it's far too much or not enough. The Red Shoes Society provides them with just what they were looking for- an opportunity to live life like they've never lived it before. What's their motto? "To give joy to others and have joy in doing so. To make a difference, and to know what it means to have fun".As easy as it may seem, membership into the Red Shoes Society is not as simple as just buying a pair of red shoes. You must show your desire and commitment by proving that you will be an asset to the group by completing three tests.

Under Armour Men's Charged Assert 9 Running Shoe

 Image source: https://www.amazon.com/

The first test is called "The Challenge of the Red Shoes." If you believe that you are meant for greatness then this test will prove it, but if not then all is lost. In this test, you must cross a stream using aqua shoes- no other footwear accepted- along with a coat or jacket that has been soaked in kerosene.If you survive this test, you are now qualified to join the Red Shoes SocietyThe second test is called "The Promise of the Red Shoes." If you think that you can handle anything and everything in life then this test will prove it, but if not then all is lost. In this test, you must stay in a room with only one small light bulb. The room must be completely dark while your shoes are glowing red. If you survive this test, you are now qualified to join the Red Shoes Society!The third and final test is called "The Treasure of the Red Shoes." This one will prove if your heart truly has what it takes- if not then all is lost. In this test, you will have your shoes placed in a large pot of sand. Your shoes must be covered in sand, and then plunged into a boiling hot spring. You must not take the time to verify if your shoes are still red- this is strictly for the promise that you have made to yourself. If you survive this test, you are now qualified to join the Red Shoes Society!

STORMER LS Running Shoes For Men  (Blue)

 Image source: https://www.flipkart.com/

Once you submit your application and pay the fee of $100,000 (or more if a wealthy sponsor is found for you), you will be accepted into what is sure to become a legendary chapter that will still be going strong thousands of years from now. You will be part of a special group that can make everyone's life complete by sharing their time with them in the most exciting way possible. Your life will change forever once you become a member of the Red Shoes Society!

Red Shoes Society is a registered trademark of Fred's of Hollywood.

This article was printed from Wikipedia on January 30, 2016 at 12:21PM. All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.


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